Jerry the stable cat

Jerry is now approaching 16 years old and has been with us for 9 years.
He came to us from Monkey Island he was a fighting Tom causing mayhem in the area.
He was in poor condition, underweight with an active infection, and was covered in scabs and scars.
He was neutered and vaccinated and it was hoped he would integrate into our older colony, but after trying for 10 days it was realized this would not be possible.
Jerry absolutely detests other cats.

We had to consider the welfare of other cats and it was decided that he should be moved to our horse field which is about 2 miles from the sanctuary. Here he’s the only cat and he has complete freedom and all his needs are met. As he is an outdoor cat a house with a catio would severely distress him. He hates to be restricted and used to bite. After 6 years he realized that any restrictions are temporary and no longer bites.

Jerry is very happy at his kingdom down the horse field and will reign there for the rest of his life.

Posted in Front page top, Resident animals, Resident cats.